Monday, December 1, 2008

So....A Blog

I've blogged before. However I don't think I've ever blogged well. The intentions were definitely present and while I resolved to post at least once a week, it never really did happen.

So why now?

I think this project has been in the back of my mind for a while now. A place, a reason, to store all of the thoughts that randomly do acrobatics inside of my brain with no way of jumping out which only results in a migraine at the end of the day.

If no one even reads this, that's cool. If people do, well that's cool too.

I wanted to create this blog for another reason. A reason that I'm not sure is still sitting well with me. It's sneaky and in it's own way has a bit of a sinister feeling about it. I wanted to create this because I know all of those that I care about and care about me, have no idea about it. The chances of them stumbling across it are slim to none and I truly believe at this point in my life I need that. Something that is selfishly mine where I can say anything I want and not risk arguments or being laughed at. Frankly if other people read this and want to do those things I could care's just the intimate people in my life that I want to hide from, even for just a little while.

I'm going to call this project my online diary.

So if you do end up reading this, I'm going to apologize now for my awkwardness, my ineptness, and at times, my pure insanity. There are a lot of things I want to sort out in this journey, most nonsense, but some things a little more serious need an outlet to escape out of my brain and give me a little bit of peace.

So....yep...a blog.

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